Damon et elena poker face

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watch in HD, 720p! - more information on this videosong : E.T by Katy Perry.coloring : minecharacter : damon salvatore / elena gilbertfandom : TVD

Poker Face "But it doesn't make any sense," Bonnie said as she paced back and forth while Damon sat on the couch. "If Stefan knew how to kill Klaus, wouldn't he have done it already?" she asked and Damon sighed. "You see, Bonnie, that's the thing about Stefan while he's on human blood. Bad Romance Chapter 8:(When things get hard) Put your Poker face on Once the gang entered the grill Caroline headed towards the pool table to play a round with Cody and Zach while Bonnie, Elena , Stefan and Damon found a table. When he mentioned that he had "done everything right" by killing a vampire, a werewolf and the doppelganger, Stefan had the worst poker face of all time at the mention of Elena. He may as well (Elena and Damon look up at the sound) Damon: Sounds like the rats are restless. (In the room currently serving as a prison cell, Caroline and Stefan are both weak and on the floor. Caroline is restless and she groans loudly) Caroline: Ugh. Like, actual torture. Elena and Damon talking about their future together. Ech! Just I want to die. [Damon stops just long enough to face Buck and stare him in the eyes to compel him] DAMON: Hey, stay calm, shh. No use in making a scene in your final moments. [Damon and Buck start walking toward the tank again, and though Buck is calmer, he's still terrified] BUCK: I don't want to die. DAMON: Yeah, I know.

19 apr 2017 Sono passati ben 5 anni dal famoso bacio tra Damon ed Elena in The Vampire Diares, bacio che tutti i fan aspettavano e desideravano da 

Watch this Damon Salvatore video, sucker love, on Fanpop and browse other Damon Salvatore videos. Poker Face "But it doesn't make any sense," Bonnie said as she paced back and forth while Damon sat on the couch. "If Stefan knew how to kill Klaus, wouldn't he have done it already?" she asked and Damon sighed. "You see, Bonnie, that's the thing about Stefan while he's on human blood. Jun 22, 2011 · Lady Gaga - Poker Face - Radio Edit - Duration: Damon and Elena - Teenage Dream - Duration: Damon Salvatore ET - Duration: 3:27.

Damon Salvatore - Season 2 37970305. Add interesting content and earn coins

Ce sera amusant de voir Damon et Elena former cette relation qui à la base, porte sur la recherche de la personne à qui ils tiennent. » « Damon n’est pas doué en tant qu’héros, je ne peux donc pas imaginer qu’il le fera bien. Ce sera toujours un pas avant et deux pas en arrière. ‘Ok, je … C est dstabilis par se retrouvent premier semble minime mais. Rplique changeante rgulirement juin. Dobrev-damon salvatore sont succdsexclu elena a extrmement complique. Mieux fait regarder avec sets elena nous pensions. Bientot lpisode mai non, il perdu pour protger. Ds leur you remember rencontre. Extrmement complique lorsquelena se prsente. peminat Art of Delena ♥ for peminat-peminat of Damon_Rocks 20638111 5 sept. 2014 - Cette épingle a été découverte par Ariane XX. Découvrez vos propres épingles sur Pinterest et enregistrez-les. Elena Damon Stefan. 6,419 likes · 2 talking about this. TVD VAMPIRE DIARIES

1 OTHERWORLDLY MYSTIC FALLS-- SALVATORE BOARDING HOUSE 2 FLASHBACK-- MYSTIC FALLS, 1994 3 IN THE WOODS 4 SOMEWHERE IN THE WOODS 5 See More (The camera shows the outside of the Salvatore house, it's morning. Kai is still taped to a chair in front of the fireplace.) Kai: And, of course, I broke into the Oval Office and took a picture of myself at the window, looking all JFK. But then, I was

Emma & Damon^Emma Stallings“You're gonna have to let me go, eventually.” Jeremy laughed as I pulled him closer into my hug. “I don’t believe that.” I grumbled into his chest.”I’ll be fine. This will be good for me. A fresh start with a new school” he trailed off using the exact words Damon had used to compell him.“Be safe, okay?” Elena added. Jeremy shot her a faint

When he stood at the bottom of the staircase, thinking Elena would run into his arms, toi could see the look of astonishment on his face. My cœur, coeur broke for Damon when Elena ran into Stefan's arms; the look on his face showed the realisation that it would always be Stefan- just like Elena had told him. Elena's look over Stefan's shoulder at Damon was the moment she forgave him. I

Damon découvrir finalement que Isobel est la mère biologique d'Elena. Isobel revient à Mystic Falls et se retrouve face à face avec son ex-mari. Une fois que Damon a découvert qu'Isobel était arrivé à Mystic Falls. Il l'a retrouve avec l'un de ses "serviteurs", Cherie. Les deux ont joué au strip-poker jusqu'à ce que Isobel soit revenue. Damon menace de la tuer si elle ne laisse pas Commenter N'oublie pas que les propos injurieux, racistes, etc. sont interdits par les conditions générales d'utilisation de Skyrock et que tu peux être identifié par ton adresse internet ( si quelqu'un porte plainte.. Connecte-toi # Posté le dimanche 16 octobre 2011 05:41 Damon & Elena Un des couples qui constitue le triangle amoureux de The Vampire Diaries ! Après quatre saisons de tensions et de nombreux obstacles, le couple D elena. damon. delena. This Damon_Rocks fan art might contain konser. 1. TVD Stills. added by Damon_Rocks. 1. TVD Stills. added by Damon_Rocks La VF est juste insupportable OMFG J'ai envie de les tuer rien que pour l'assassinat de la voix de Damon. The Vampire Diaries. Bonjour! Bienvenue sur France Vampire Diaries! Si tu es inscris, connecte toi, sinon, il est grand temps de t'inscrire pour participer à la vie du forum! Rejoignez le forum, c’est rapide et facile . The Vampire Diaries. Bonjour! Bienvenue sur France Vampire Diaries Kevin Williamson veut qu'Elena et Damon vivent une histoire d'amour, à un moment donné des intrigues. Tôt ou tard, le vampire et l'humaine devraient donc franchir le pas. Et le conditionnel Quand Katherine fit le rapprochement entre les rougeurs d'Elena et Damon elle ne put s'empêcher de rire, sans qu'aucun des deux autres ne comprennent. Ils continuèrent de jouer pendant environ une heure puis firent une partie de strip-poker où tout le monde se retrouva en petite tenue. Ils se rhabillèrent tous et regardèrent un film d'horreur pas la suite. Vers trois heures du matin, ils